File: #!/bin/sh ## THIS SCRIPT WAS WRITTEN BY SAMANTHA MICHELLE SMITH. IT MAY BE REDISTRIBUTED TO ANYONE USING FREEBSD AND MODIFIED AT WILL. ## GODDAMN OVH VERSION WHICH INCLUDES EPIC SEXYTIME SCRIPT FIXING! echo Welcome to my FreeBSD setup script It's something I wrote to get my environment to what I like after a fresh install. Edit at will echo First it's time to set up networking because OVH is not metal, they are dildos. echo;echo -n " Enter The IP Address: ";read IPADDRCONF echo;echo -n " Enter The Gateway: ";read IPGATEWAYCONF echo;echo -n " Enter The interface from ifconfig: ";read GODDAMNNETWORKDRIVER echo;echo -n " Enter the username you created during install: ";read GODDAMNUSERNAME echo ifconfig_$GODDAMNNETWORKDRIVER="inet $IPADDRCONF netmask broadcast "$IPADDRCONF" >> /etc/rc.conf echo static_routes="net1 net2" >> /etc/rc.conf echo route_net1="-net $IPGATEWAYCONF/32 $IPADDRCONF" >> /etc/rc.conf echo route_net2="default $IPGATEWAYCONF" >> /etc/rc.conf echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo restarting network stack service network restart echo Now we're going to get pkgng installed! pkg echo Updating pkg and config to PC-BSD repos cd /usr/local/etc/ fetch fetch pkg upgrade -fy echo Done updating! echo ................. echo Time to install some shit! echo installing sudo pkg install sudo echo configuring sudo for use by group wheel. Run visudo as root to add more echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers echo now installing the fish shell pkg install fish echo now setting fish as default shell for user $GODDAMNUSERNAME Remove these two lines for other users chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish $GODDAMNUSERNAME echo changing to user $GODDAMNUSERNAME and running environment setup commands cd /home/$GODDAMNUSERNAME fetch fetch fetch chmod 777 ./ chmod 777 ./ chmod 777 ./ exit